Friday, November 24

Friday, wip

I believe that Friday is the day for showing off works in progress. This is what I have been working on today.

I opened an Etsy shop yesterday, just on a whim, and I only have one thing to put into it. So the lonely bag needs friends.

I love this fabric so much. I found it under my Nana's house years ago and it was pretty ratty but I've kept it because I thought it was so beautiful. This was just the perfect project for it, I think I managed to cut around all the stains and tears successfully. The print is called 'Isadora'.

And that's all I can manage to say at this point, it's Friday and I'm tired. I'm going to sit down with a cup of tea and another wip, the knitting, and watch Collectors on the ABC at 8 o'clock.

And remember to vote tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I love that print and such a clever way to use perished material. It's come up really well. I enjoy Collectors too but it's been clashing with something G likes, smallville, sigh.

Anonymous said...

That Isadora print is stunning...I can see why you wanted to make something from it. :-) And I adore that blue tones one too. Looking forward to seeing them finished. Gonna be great!! :-)