Thursday, August 31

warm and sunny

that's the forecast for today. 22 degrees! the sad part is why that excites me the most: it's warm and sunny enough to wash the couch covers. thank the heavens (also known as Ikea in this case) for removable, washable couch covers. they are so grubby, they are always grubbier towards the end of winter than at any other time (well, unless they've been spewed on- but that's different, right?) of the year. it's nearly impossible to get them dry in the cold damp days. they need sun. and warmth. and when i wash them i need them to be done in one day, it's dangerous to leave the couch nude for too long! but the covers will be done today! hooray!

another reason to be looking forward to today is that i am having a visitor. Erin is coming over to play! goody! well must go- lots to do.

* the pictures are of the farm animals at Gulf Station on the weekend- oh wait, sorry, it's my kids.

1 comment:

Rachael Elswyk said...

HA!!! Looks like fun! (Ta for the giggle at the animals!) Umm, happy couch cover washing..