Thursday, August 3

snot city

you know it's a good day when the baby wakes up with her face covered in crusty boogers. it seems the winter snifflies have made it to our house. i thought we might just get through the snotty season reasonably unscathed this year, but i was foolish wasn't i? it was probably me thinking just this week about how great it was that my kids have all been fairly healthy recently (we won't mention archer's infected nostrils!!) that brought it on. good one.

once i wiped off the crusty bits it's not all that bad. she is still well enough to harrass the teletubby.


Anonymous said...

Oh she's a cutie. I love your blog, J. I just can't sign off as me because I'm not cool enough to have a blogger membership.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was Erin by the way. Oops.