Sunday, August 6

a right scone

what a loverly sunday. i baked and i sewed and we had a guest for lunch (she just visited, we didn't eat her). and now it's almost dinner time. and then bedtime. i love bedtime.

it started with pumpkin scones. i'm no Lady Flo but i am a fan of the old pumpkin scone. my recipe comes from Stephanie Alexander's lovely stripey book. love that book, i use it for everything. yum. although she says to cook them all as one big lump and cut the scones into squares. i am so not in agreement on that front. scones simply must be round. so much more oh, proper. just proper.

then i got to sew. i saw pictures of a beautiful quilted bag in a Japanese patchwork book at Kitty-Craft recently and i just couldn't stop thinking about it. my lovely sister-in-law bought me a little surprise last week when she went to the quilt show in town, and these fabrics were screaming out to be made into a cute new purse. i couldn't find a picture of the book again so i'm not sure how my memory compares to the original but i'm so chuffed. it's the first 'proper' quilting i've done (i went to the quilt shop and asked the woman there for some squishy stuff, luckily she knew i meant batting!). i'm not sure yet who this is for, i don't think it's for me, but i might give it a little test, just to check that it works ok.


Rachael Elswyk said...

I *lurve* the bag!

Anonymous said...

Hi Justina,
The bag is FABULOUS darling!

Anonymous said...

I love it, J. Can it be mine?

Brock said...

I just wanted to say. " I love you".

Suse said...

Oh my, that bag is just divine.

Megan said...

Thanks for your comment on my rather 'feeling sorry for myself for no good reason' post - you made a frustrated blogger's day! Very pleased to have come over here and found your blog - if you can make bags like that, you can lurk near me anyday. It's gorgeous.