Saturday, September 16

egads, two weeks!

golly, isn't it typical that the living of life gets in the way of writing about the life but then when the opportunity arises, one has very little to say? hmm....
it's been a pretty busy couple of weeks for me. let's go all the way back to the start shall we? oh the knitting.... i had to rip out my progress on the Swallowtail Shawl due to an unfixable mistake, i just freeze when i mess up lace knitting, so ripping out and beginning again was the only option for me. i haven't got to the beginning again part yet. more urgent matters have arisen on the knitting horizon.
my mum also came down from Brisbane to stay for a week. it was so lovely to have her here, the kids adore their Neenie! i really miss not having my mum around but i am so glad that she promises to come back soon. soon, ok mum?
Archer had his 3rd birthday while mum was here,
Happy Birthday Sausage!! my funny little (big, mum!) chap.

we had a birthday party last weekend and Aunty Shara's friend, Mark, came in his Monster Truck!! Archer and Finn both got to have a ride around the block and i think that was even better than the birthday cake! Archer is still asking about when he might get to go for another ride in Mark's truck.
um, what else? i don't know.... i have the flu so my thinking is somewhat hindered due to the massive amounts of mucous taking up space in my head. i will come back again soon and hopefully have much more interesting things to tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehehe! I will ask Mark to bring the Monster Truck back really soon! he just bought another one, even BIGGER! So that should impress!