Sunday, August 20

my baby's turning one tomorrow!

wowee, what a day. Ivy's first birthday party. she had a fantastic time, the best things about the day? the blocks in a trolley (she got the hang of walking with it really fast!)

and the cake (it didn't take long to get the hang of that either!)

ok, blogger doesn't want to play, i will show photos later.

right now i need to go to bed, Finn's grade one class is singing Agadoo at school assembly tomorrow morning and i can't wait!


Rachael Elswyk said...

Happy Birthday to your little miss!
(Agadoo doo doo push pineapple....)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a wonderful party yesterday, Ms Justine. Brock's BBQ skills were awesome as usual and I was mighty impressed by that dolly!

Love to your beautiful little squids. I can't believe how much they've grown.