Friday, October 13

thankyou jenny and paul, you crazy kids!

you know what? i am a lucky lady with some very excellent friends!
out of the blue this week a parcel was chucked (quite literally) at my front door by the Parcel Delivery Contractor For Australia Post Who Makes All My Parcels Smell Of Cigarette Smoke (that's his official title).
i was so excited to see that it had come all the way from Jenny in Brisbane and i had to fight Archer for the privilege of tearing it open. what did i find inside? a rather hilarious knitting book that they found in an op shop and made Jenny and Paul think of me! shucks guys, even though we rarely get to see eachother you do know me awfully well, don't you? i suppose i probably am pretty predictable.

even before i opened it Jenny had added a note to the back of the envelope mentioning the uncomfortable baby on page 91. oh the poor wee babe, and all in the name of fashion!

and then in her letter Jenny mentioned a few of the garments, this one offends her. i must say it is rather shocking. is this woman pulling her hair to stop her thinking about how tight her pants are?

this is one she also mentioned, i was thinking that i really should knit you something from the book as a thankyou Jen, maybe this? the Batwing!

but then there is this, it has detachable sleeves! gah!

for me i think i might may just have to knit this 'lively duo'. it will loook fabulous when i next go to the nightclub, sorry, niteclub.

but for the kids? how can i not?

thanks again Jenny and Paul! you do realise Paul that Jenny lays the blame squarely on you, she claims that you found the book! good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think you could size up the kids' knitted bear suits and make me an adult one? It would be a great winter outfit, especially because you don't need to match tops and bottoms. I love all-in-one outfits.