Tuesday, October 24

worn out

look at those guys! this was the state of things at our house by 8pm lastnight. on Mondays the boys are allowed to put their pyjamas on and stay up late to watch Mythbusters. they didn't last very long- two little snoring boys!

and our friendly parrot has started coming back! we know he's the same one who used to visit because he has a crooked toe. Archer calls him Carrot and he is so tame and inquisitive that if he were given the chance i think he would come inside the house. he's a beauty, isn't he?

that's all today really. lots of crafty happenings over the past few days but no piccies yet. it is just about time for a nana- nap. ha! i wish!


Anonymous said...

Looking at the bird i do believe it would be an escaped one. They are native to QLD. They are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the comment left by bronwen. Weather or not the pictured bird it a pet, King parrots do live in Victoria. I live in a small town just outside of Melbourne. Often I see mobs of 20-30 King parrots intermingled with Rainbow lorikeets searching for acorns right outside my frount door. In saying that, I must also add. Only in the last 3 to 4 years have I ever seen these speices of parrot in my town. Perhaps it could be an indicator of climate change that these birds can sustain themselves in south eastern Australia...