how long has it been? a week! crikey, sorry. what have i been doing all week? um, not a lot. i've been feeling a bit ugh actually. not sure why, i'm just really tired. but that's nothing different is it? oh well, it's just a little bit ugh. at least it's not a lot ugh, right? right.
i did start on two new knitting projects. i know, why two? your guess is as good as mine. i just can't help it!
i spent a good part of the day on saturday flicking through books and old magazines, ferreting through my yarn and fondling my favourite needles. i was searching for someting to knit, something. you know that one? that something that you know you will know when you find it, when the yarn and the pattern and the needles all just click? so i eventually started on the Strawberry Bud cardigan from Rowan Babies. i stayed up late on saturday night watching Heaven on SBS just to get through to the first row of *buds*. they are so lovely! i have all year to knit this- i'm making it in a size two, for next winter. yes, i know. it's pink. i am gong to have a lot of ends to secure when i'm done!
and so on sunday we went out for the day and i needed a small project to take in the car. i took a scarf i was knitting with the divine laceweight cashmere i bought myself for my birthday back in March. i had chosen a lace shell pattern from an old Mon Tricot book but it just wasn't keeping me interested, nor was it doing this beautiful yarn justice. it occured to me that there was a pattern in the latest Interweave Knits for one skein of laceweight yarn. and you know what, there was. thus, we have the beginnings of the Swallowtail Shawl.
so far i have done five repeats of fourteen on the first chart, i'm really enjoying it. ask me how i feel about it further down the track when the rows get longer and longer.......
we had a lovely day on sunday. there was a new foodie market on at the historic Gulf Station farm in Yarra Glen. i must admit that the market itself didn't hold my attention for very long but i just love walking through all the old buildings. the kids really had a good time too. it's a monthly affair i think- fourth sunday of the month.
ok, blogger says no more photos, i'll try again tomorrow. what a pain.