Wednesday, October 25

it looks like a marshmallow

I finally got around to making more labels to sew into my *finished things*. The lovely miss Megan made a screen for me at her work so that I can just print my name straight onto tape. So effective and so cheap. I ran out ages ago but was too lazy to make more. Now that I have, I wonder why? I just suppose I didn't feel like making a mess, which is funny when I think about it, mess is the state my house is constantly in. What's the harm in a little bit more? And after all that, I didn't even make a mess!

To celebrate new labels I made another quilted handbag. I'm pretty pleased with this one. For some reason, unknown to me, the red and blue thing is still going on. I seem to have lots of blues and reds stashed away with my huge mess of fabric and scraps. I really should sort through the whole lot and organise it so that I can easily know what I have. What am I saying? That's not gonna happen! I will forever be digging around in my suitcases and boxes and secret hideyholes full of material to find just the right ones, "Aha! There it is, I thought I still had some of that!"

Anyway, back to the bag- the handles are made from some of the woolen blanket I dyed a while ago and I think they are just so perfect. The colour is a bit mottled but they feel right.

The highlight though? That button, it looks like a marshmallow!

I can see more of these bags in my future, maybe I should start selling them? You should see inside- the inside looks almost as good as the outside. I'll get a picture to show you...

Tuesday, October 24

worn out

look at those guys! this was the state of things at our house by 8pm lastnight. on Mondays the boys are allowed to put their pyjamas on and stay up late to watch Mythbusters. they didn't last very long- two little snoring boys!

and our friendly parrot has started coming back! we know he's the same one who used to visit because he has a crooked toe. Archer calls him Carrot and he is so tame and inquisitive that if he were given the chance i think he would come inside the house. he's a beauty, isn't he?

that's all today really. lots of crafty happenings over the past few days but no piccies yet. it is just about time for a nana- nap. ha! i wish!

Wednesday, October 18

my lovely new blouse

it's a bit scrunchy, just off the clothesline. i really like this top a lot. the pattern is Vogue 2654, the fabric is Liberty cotton lawn. can you believe i bought the fabric for $10 a metre? i know, so cheap! i've seen it cost $50 a metre! and the gorgeous vintage buttons, how cute are they?
this was a really fun pattern to sew, had a few challenging bits, but not so challenging that they upset me, you know what i mean? just stuff like matching up gathering, pretty easy over all, maybe a better word would be fiddly.
and it's fantastic to wear, i will be making this again. and then maybe again!

Tuesday, October 17

the dirt tastes good today

mmm-n-mmm-n-mmm plllllghhh. and then try some more.

and these are the red and blue pants, cute yes?

Monday, October 16

progress report

i have been knitting away on a few things, no finished projects to show, just works in progress. i did finish a pair of socks and a scarf last weekend but they weren't all that exciting and i didn't remember to photograph them. oh well, i need to remember to take the photos!!
plugging away on the I Do shrug for
Erin. i have to admit, it's looking better than i thought it was. looking at the photo gives me a little bit of perspective. sweet. the Debbie Bliss silk is lovely to feel, slightly annoying to knit with but worth it i think.

and i like to have a pair of socks on the go to keep in my bag, knit in the car, on the train etc. just finished the gusset on the first of a pair of Embossed Leaves socks from the winter 2005 Interweave Knits. the yarn is called On-line Supercool. i love this wool. i bought it last year from a shop in Brisbane and now i can't get more from anywhere. this is leftovers from a wee baby cardigan i made.

the pattern is pretty gorgeous, and the heel. it's the best heel i've ever turned, not even the hint of a hole. love that. see?

i got to sew on the weekend too. such a luxury. i finished a couple of things. yay for me! on saturday morning i finished off a blouse for myself, just in time to wear to uncle Gavan's birthday party. i really cut it fine, had to sew the buttons on in the car. i'll show you as soon as i can get a good photo.

sunday seemed to be a bit of a blue and red day. the fabric i used for this cute kimonoesque top for Ivy is from my childhood. i have a really vivid memory of my mum covering a brick to use as a doorstop with it. it looks very cute on the babe, it's a little bit grubby in the photo because she wore it today.

and pants, cute blue and red pants. with a pocket. because babies need pockets.

Friday, October 13

thankyou jenny and paul, you crazy kids!

you know what? i am a lucky lady with some very excellent friends!
out of the blue this week a parcel was chucked (quite literally) at my front door by the Parcel Delivery Contractor For Australia Post Who Makes All My Parcels Smell Of Cigarette Smoke (that's his official title).
i was so excited to see that it had come all the way from Jenny in Brisbane and i had to fight Archer for the privilege of tearing it open. what did i find inside? a rather hilarious knitting book that they found in an op shop and made Jenny and Paul think of me! shucks guys, even though we rarely get to see eachother you do know me awfully well, don't you? i suppose i probably am pretty predictable.

even before i opened it Jenny had added a note to the back of the envelope mentioning the uncomfortable baby on page 91. oh the poor wee babe, and all in the name of fashion!

and then in her letter Jenny mentioned a few of the garments, this one offends her. i must say it is rather shocking. is this woman pulling her hair to stop her thinking about how tight her pants are?

this is one she also mentioned, i was thinking that i really should knit you something from the book as a thankyou Jen, maybe this? the Batwing!

but then there is this, it has detachable sleeves! gah!

for me i think i might may just have to knit this 'lively duo'. it will loook fabulous when i next go to the nightclub, sorry, niteclub.

but for the kids? how can i not?

thanks again Jenny and Paul! you do realise Paul that Jenny lays the blame squarely on you, she claims that you found the book! good one!

Friday, October 6

when i grow up

the boys and i were discussing future aspirations over breakfast thismorning. turns out, Archer is deadset on being a girl when he grows up. "a growed up girl mum!"
and Finn, who was planning on being a radiologist a few weeks ago now wants to be an archaeologist. but he is very wise in adding that he still has lots of time to decide so he might change his mind again!
Ivy can't talk yet so i'm not certain of her plans for the future. watching her lurch around the house using her newly discovered walking talents, i'd say she was planning on being a drunken sailor. but i could be wrong.