Tuesday, July 11

blankety blanks

the food colouring works. i dyed some pieces of blanket lastnight. the method is slightly flawed though. it wasn't until the third go that i managed to get an even colour throughout the piece. my first couple of attempts came out with a mottled, uneven look. not unuseable but not ideal either. but i have loads more blankie to get it right with. i am going to try out the dylon dye next.

the yellow at the top of the pile is the original colour and you can see the unevenness of the pink and black pieces. i will perfect it, i must!


Rachael Elswyk said...

They look great, it's a bit addcitive isn't it, but it really hurts to cut into them to make stuff!

Olugbemisola (Mrs.Pilkington) said...

i love the blankets! was the dyeing difficult to do? i've been researching natural dye techniques but a lot of them seem complicated.

the jacket is adorable and your top looks very chic!