i made mention of my slight obsession with printed glasses. today i have a photo for you. just the one, i don't want to frighten you off.i have eight of these ones. nice shape yes? i was lucky enough to find four together at an op shop for twenty cents. i was rather pleased. they have a lovely round shape that sits in your hand just so.....i could go on and on.
ever since i was a teenager and first moved out of home i have been buying printed glasses from op shops. it used to be easy to find all the old vegemite and honey jar glasses for 5 cents but now it's increasingly rare. the old ladies in the op shops have become pretty ruthless with some of their pricing! but that hasn't stopped me buying, oh no. it seems i have a sickness. i simply cannot leave a pretty glass in the shop, it has to come home with me to crowd in amongst all the others!
in fact, the only glasses in my house that are plain are beer and wine glasses, and i don't like to use those. i'm such a glass snob. i have my husband pretty well trained, he doesn't bat an eyelid at any new additions to the family, in fact he thought it was pretty great when i discovered that i could support my habit through ebay! (i think he may have the notion that we could cash them all in for a retirement fund, i think he's dreaming with that one) but they make me so happy.