Thursday, January 3

the title of my post goes here

Rustier than I thought. I'm finding myself in a not very bloggy state of mind. Being 36 and a half (yep, I'm feeling every day and every moment closer to my due date matters!!!) weeks pregnant in stupid hot weather doesn't seem to really be helping.
I think I stopped blogging mid last year as things started getting a bit hectic. My little sewing/etsy/market endeavour combined with kids just left me without the time to type and I have enough trouble getting my act together to take photos for etsy let alone for the blog. I just let it slide. Now that I've done with markets for the moment (I'm on "maternity leave") and my body just won't let me do very much I'm hoping I can pick it up again. A wee babe in a few weeks might throw a spanner in the works eh?
All I can do is try. I'm going to start by busting out the camera. I've got LOADS of un-photographed crafty treasures to show you!


Kylie said...

get that camera out girl and take some photos! LOL - I know exactly where you are coming from - Due 1st Feb - ahh how time flies! I cant believe that I have so much energy -

Crafty Mama said...

Welcome back, you!! Stay cool... rest up!

Looking forward to a baby announcement from you :)