Tuesday, January 1

the first

Okay, let me just clear away a few of the cobwebs. Aaah, there we are, it's been some time dear blog. Quite some time.
Lara reminded me recently that the last thing I'd posted about was poo. What must you all think of me? If indeed there are any of you?
So, it seems the first day of a new year is as good a place as any to try to resurrect my typing fingers and talk again to the internet at large. In fact I think it's quite a dandy place to start.
Um, so I've started. I'm going to have to do a bit better than this though aren't I? Maybe I'll come back tomorrow, the second say of the year, slightly less heat addled and do a better job. Yes, that's what I'll do. And I'll oil my typing fingers in preparation too, they're a little bit squeaky.


Rachael Elswyk said...

Welcome back, miss rusty typing fingers! Happy New Year to you and yours, here's hoping 2008 brings yo all you wish for.
Looking forward to "seeing" you a bit more this year!!!!

Kylie said...

Oh Welcome back to the blogging world Justina - Looking forward to seeing what you get up too - and poo to the poo! LOL - just one of those mummy things hey!