Wednesday, September 27

5 more sleeps

it's the school holidays at the moment and i can tell you right now, there are 5 sleeps until school starts again. it isn't that i don't love having Finn home from school (and not having to think up new and exciting things to pack in his lunchbox) but the boys fight. a lot. it's really difficult to find something for them both to do- they can't agree on anything and when they do play a game together it's just about an all out brawl over who is the boss. unless said game involves running around the backyard showing all the world your bum, they think that is a fantastic game and they agree on that! 5 sleeps......
as a result of my mad house this fortnight not a lot has been achieved. no sewing whatsoever. if i even thought about getting out the sewing machine i'm sure the boys would fight over who got to pester me the most. so knitting is my salvation at the moment, in the calm hours after the squids are snoring in their beds i sit. and i knit.
i think i mentioned that some important knitting projects have arisen recently. first of all my father requested a couple of pairs of slippers for his sister's daughters. the older, 12 year old wanted red on the bottom and mid-blue on the top and the younger, who i think is about 8 or 9, wants sky blue. very specific, yes? so first up i've made the red and blues. they are the knit then felt
ballerina slippers from Fiber Trends. great little pattern and knits up very quickly (love that).

i used Bendigo Woolen Mills Rustic and they came out of the machine very fuzzy. i hope i got the colours right! the other pair, in sky blue, will be from Knitty's Fuzzy Feet pattern. haven't started those yet! i have until Christmas!

more pressing is this:

this is going to be the I Do shrug, again from Knitty. it is for the lovely miss Erin to wear on her wedding day in November. i know, you think November, pretty warm, but as anybody who lives in Melbourne will tell you- you never know! i'm knitting it with Debbie Bliss Pure Silk, so lovely and soft and silky but gee whiz, it's hard to wind into a ball. and right now it just looks like a blob but keep your fingers crossed for me that once it's finished and blocked it will be transformed into a thing of great beauty (don't worry E, i'm sure it will!).

and the last project at the moment that needs finishing is my scarf for the mama made scarf swap at CraftyMamas. i think i was supposed to send it by last week but i am a little bit behind (i dyed the wool on the day of the deadline)! my partner has a slight Christmas obsession hence the colours. once it's nice and long i will chuck it in the washing machine to felt. i figure if she doesn't like it as a scarf it will make a great christmas decoration! ok, i'll show you the photo of that one later, blogger won't let me upload the photo right now. 5 more sleeps.

Tuesday, September 19

i love shoes

i've just found my perfect shoes. so shiny........ now i need to figure out how to get a pair!

Monday, September 18

clever lady

my sister in law, Shara, is a very clever lady. recently she opened up a shop on Etsy. i'm about to add the link to my sidebar. you should go and have a look. among many other talents she is a crocheting genius, it's nice to have someone i can go to for advice because my crochet skills are probably best described as remedial.on ya Shara!

Saturday, September 16

egads, two weeks!

golly, isn't it typical that the living of life gets in the way of writing about the life but then when the opportunity arises, one has very little to say? hmm....
it's been a pretty busy couple of weeks for me. let's go all the way back to the start shall we? oh the knitting.... i had to rip out my progress on the Swallowtail Shawl due to an unfixable mistake, i just freeze when i mess up lace knitting, so ripping out and beginning again was the only option for me. i haven't got to the beginning again part yet. more urgent matters have arisen on the knitting horizon.
my mum also came down from Brisbane to stay for a week. it was so lovely to have her here, the kids adore their Neenie! i really miss not having my mum around but i am so glad that she promises to come back soon. soon, ok mum?
Archer had his 3rd birthday while mum was here,
Happy Birthday Sausage!! my funny little (big, mum!) chap.

we had a birthday party last weekend and Aunty Shara's friend, Mark, came in his Monster Truck!! Archer and Finn both got to have a ride around the block and i think that was even better than the birthday cake! Archer is still asking about when he might get to go for another ride in Mark's truck.
um, what else? i don't know.... i have the flu so my thinking is somewhat hindered due to the massive amounts of mucous taking up space in my head. i will come back again soon and hopefully have much more interesting things to tell you.